This site contains testimonies and evidence pertaining to:
Sexual language, coercion, grooming, antisemitic language.
Ableist remarks, transphobic, and acephobic references.
Emotional abuse and blackmail. Suicide threats, self harm threats, with self harm actioning. Self harm coercion.

Please proceed at your own risk.
Co-ordinated by Matty (@FretCore)


People who wish to deny the testimonies and evidence of the victims whom have bravely come forward have reported the original google document, putting it's publication into a state of review and thus temporarily offline. This page serves as a backup for it.More victims have come forward with testimonies and evidence since the document's original release. You can find their experiences on the Testimonies page.

Information from a victim

Sent to the mod team

(Spoilered message says “Sexual Assault”)

The following screenshots are from the victim, unless otherwise noted as being from the mod they were confiding in.Though they wish to remain anonymous, they gave permission to be shared with you all.